Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Dear: Diary

It appears to be rather odd, because, as a matter of fact, this is a 'blog' not a 'diary.' But due to the fact that I am simply used to the "Dear Diary" term, I shall use it. Or, at least, for this post anyways.

Before I start, I must make it clear 'everyone,' and by 'everyone' I am not sure who I mean, a few certain things:
1)  I am not planning to let my friends know about this blog. Why? Because I simply don't. I don't want people to know whats going on in this head of mines when they do not need to. This also explains why I'm using an internet alias -Artist.

2) I never planned to make a 'blog' in the first place, thats because I believe it will only serve as a threat to me. I still think the same. In other words, I am only using this blog to scribble down some 'thoughts' I have so I do not forget them and can come back to them one day. Apart from that, my english teacher told me that 'blogging' will improve your english. =D Looking forward to that.

All in all, theres a huge chance that I will cancel this blog and move off, once, it's purpose is served.


  1. I hope you don't cancel your blog cause I really enjoy reading your posts. You write beautifully!
    And also, I'm glad, though you said you wouldn't be telling anyone about your blog, you actually told us (forum people). So for that I thank you. ^^

  2. ^^ That's cause I trust you guys!

    And thanks for reading! :')
