It appears to be rather odd, because, as a matter of fact, this is a 'blog' not a 'diary.' But due to the fact that I am simply used to the "Dear Diary" term, I shall use it. Or, at least, for this post anyways.
Before I start, I must make it clear 'everyone,' and by 'everyone' I am not sure who I mean, a few certain things:
1) I am not planning to let my friends know about this blog. Why? Because I simply don't. I don't want people to know whats going on in this head of mines when they do not need to. This also explains why I'm using an internet alias -Artist.
2) I never planned to make a 'blog' in the first place, thats because I believe it will only serve as a threat to me. I still think the same. In other words, I am only using this blog to scribble down some 'thoughts' I have so I do not forget them and can come back to them one day. Apart from that, my english teacher told me that 'blogging' will improve your english. =D Looking forward to that.
All in all, theres a huge chance that I will cancel this blog and move off, once, it's purpose is served.